domingo, 5 de octubre de 2014

Infusion or tea?

Often there is a big fuss about teas and herbal teas. In the world of tea, these terms mean one thing. In the field of herbal medicine, these terms often means something entirely different. Learn the difference between the two in each reference system and collecting examples of each, thanks to this guide and infusions.

Infusions vs teas tea world

In the world of tea is the term "infusion" and "infusion" are used interchangeably. But sometimes there is a lot of attention to the fact that herbs are not the same Camellia sinensis (tea) and "herbal teas" are not "true teas". Therefore, some people in the world of tea prefer the term "infusion" of "tea" or the term "tea" or "white" instead.

Infusions vs teas in the world of grass

In the world of tea, apart from some taboos surrounding the use of the world "tea" for other things Camellia sinensis, in terms of tea and herbal teas are more or less the same. In herbal medicine and herbal medicine, this is not the case at all!

For herbs, the term "tea" refers specifically to something that was given for a short time in hot or boiling water. This period is usually a few minutes to about 20 minutes. The mixing tank is often covered to evaporate when soaking in the essential oils of the herbs with water vapor (if, for example, a teabag have put a saucer in a cup of peppermint -dessus hold). Herbal teas are usually made of systems with a large number of essential oils and a strong flavor, such as chamomile, peppermint and cinnamon. It usually takes about a teaspoon or a tablespoon of fresh or dried herbs, chopped, about a cup of herbal tea.

The term "infusion" is something quite different, in herbalism. It refers to a plant that was covered with boiling water and left standing for a much longer period of time, usually four to ten hours. Infusions with fresh herbs (those with little volatile oil), such as nettles, oat straw and clover. These herbs are infused in large amounts, which could be used for teas, and use a quarter ounce of dried herb tea cup is fairly widespread.

Make herbal tea is good for extracting essential oils from plant material. The production of herbal tea extract is good for vitamins, minerals, proteins and other food sources of herbs.

Examples of teas and herbal teas

A bag full of rooibos tea for five minutes in boiling water: In the world of grass, is an herbal tea. In the world of tea is an infusion / tea / herbal herbal "tea".

An ounce of lemon has poured overnight in one liter of boiled water and across the grass to herbs soaked, is an infusion of herbs. For a tea person who could be considered as herbal tea into consideration, based on a 'tea' herb or herbal tea.

Diet vs herbal teas

Herbal teas are usually high, be in essential oils that can be beneficial in terms of taste and / or in relation to the health benefits. Infusions (by the definition of herbalists) tend rich in vitamins, minerals, and (in some cases) protein to be.

Flaming Spanish Coffee Recipe

The use of sugar and lemon juice (or brandy), the edge of a glass of wine, a cup of coffee or other Irish piece of solid glass rod.

To the edge of the glass, you are two shallow bowls or small plates with each more than the edge of the lens diameter must. Pour lemon juice in a bowl (or plate) and sugar in / on the other. Diving rim of the glass with lemon juice, then while it is still wet, dip it in sugar. The sugar is to keep up with the edge of the glass.

Definition of coffee

Definition: "coffee" usually refers to a drink by infusion, decoction or seepage roasting seeds * ground coffee (Coffea arabica and C. canephora or C. Gender general / C. robusta) coffee is made valued for its flavor and taste. , and by the fact that naturally contains varying amounts of caffeine from. In the coffee cup, coffee functions are seen as acidity on the palate.

In business or culinary terminology can "coffee" and coffee beans (commonly called "coffee beans") refer to in their dry, raw, roasted, whole, rolled, or wet / dehydrated. (Used or used ground coffee usually called "coffee." Coffee is used to prepare dried instant coffee.)

In cafes, pubs and restaurants, the word "coffee" also refer to a single cup of coffee, as in "I want a latte, please."

In social situations, "coffee" can refer to a meeting or chance encounter, as in, "Let's do a coffee [and chat]."

In the design and art, "coffee" can refer to a dark brown color. Likewise, "Espresso" can be described to a dark brown color.

* The coffee plant is a species of flowering plant in the family Rubiaceae. It is a tropical tree or shrub Africa and now occurs in most of the warmer climates of the world, including South America, Central America, Mexico, Hawaii and parts of Asia. Though the species C. Arabica coffee produced best, C. canephora species (often called "robusta") is more common. Seed Café, or "coffee bean" comes from the Bay of coffee or "coffee cherry".

For more information about the terms to "coffee" you will find related in the following definitions:

domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2014

These teas to add to your detox diet

sy "herbal tea (also known as" tea ") have been associated with health in many cultures and generations. now scientific research has begun to support traditional applications, while the reduction of further claims. Based a mix of traditional use and current research, here are some of the best detox tea. drinking for your health with these calls "detox teas." *

Green tea
You've probably heard a number of claims about the benefits of green tea. It is rich in antioxidants and is an excellent substitute for less healthy drinks. If you want a supplement of vitamin C in your tea, opt for a dark green

Japanese green tea. However, the "healthy" are to drink tea, you take regularly. If you prefer to drink black tea or other tea instead - just avoid using milk or sweeteners!

Oolong tea
Oolong (also known as "Wu Long) tea has been associated with weight loss / control in some (limited). During potential health effects were highly publicized, there is evidence that oolong can lose help weight. Everything I say tea replace Diet Coke (or some energy drinks, they opened fruits) in your diet is probably a step toward weight control.

White Tea
White tea is higher than most other teas in antioxidants. If it is prepared at low temperatures, also lower caffeine is most tea. It has a very mild flavor that attracts some detoxifying. Although they were rare until recently, white teas flavored and unflavored are increasingly outside of China.

Pu-erh tea has long been consumed as a digestive after heavy meals in some parts of China. It is also traditionally associated with the digestive and heart health benefits, among others. Abundant anecdotal evidence supports these applications, but there have been many formal studies. Although more research needs to be done, certainly does not hurt to try!

Kombucha tea
Tea drinks and probiotics sound like a perfect combination of detoxification. Few studies have conducted (usually) be careful on Kombucha tea and many health claims around him, everything sounds too good to be true. However, there is much anecdotal evidence of the benefits of Kombucha stimulation of the liver (and thus the hangover of the improvement), digestive health and the benefits of the surrounding atmosphere. Hardcore detoxifying warned Kombucha has a small amount of caffeine and a low level of alcohol.

Rooibos (also known as "red bush" or "red tea") is rich in antioxidants (but no "25 times more antioxidants than green tea", as some claim). "As for taste, a great substitute for black tea or coffee. It is also easy, with other flavors, including most of the detoxification herbs and spices mix here. In contrast to the top of this list, Rooibos is caffeine.

Ginger is a warm, clean, been good for the digestive and diuretic. It is very pleasant to drink. Add a little lemon juice or grated ginger to your "tea". Ginger also tastes great with other Masala Chai spices.

Masala Chai Spices
Many masala chai spices (such as ginger, cloves, cardamom, cinnamon and black pepper) are as detoxifying. Try to make Masala Chai without milk or sugar to the greatest possible benefit. If you want to avoid to cook caffeine, black tea and spices, a tasty mixture to go rich in antioxidants.

Peppermint invigorates without caffeine, so it is ideal for those looking to reduce or eliminate caffeine in your diet. Some say it is clean, and is traditionally used to aid digestion. If you like mint, you can also try the peppermint less compared to a milder taste sweet. For ideas, recipes brew mint tea with mint.

I think chamomile "tea" (actually a herbal tea), the "anti-coffee." It's incredibly relaxing, especially in times of stress (for example, when it comes to things like cutting caffeine and dairy products from the diet.) Some people are allergic to chamomile, especially if they do not drink hay fever so if you hayfever and have similar allergies.

Chrysanthemum flowers
According to traditional Chinese herbal medicine, chrysanthemums says developed to neutralize toxins and cleanse the liver. Sometimes chrysanthemums are mixed with additional benefits Pu-erh for a great taste and (optional).

Orange Peel
Infusions orange peel to help with digestion. Beautifully heating are also satisfactory substitute for other, less environmental detoxification drinks. Orange peel boil itself or add it to tea, as it develops.

Rose hips are rich in vitamin C. It is also said to prevent headaches are a common side effect of detoxification.

As a Japanese green tea, parsley is rich in vitamin C and is said to freshen breath. It is traditionally used to treat a variety of diseases, and is rich in vitamins and minerals. Add fresh or dried parsley to taste in boiling water.

Citronella is a plant cleaning. It is often served after a massage in Thailand. Bono: It's delicious!

Red clover
Red clover is said to stimulate the liver to remove toxins. Although it can only be removed in red clover is also part of many detoxification and botanical mixtures no. 9 GT Kombucha.

Herbal mixtures
There are many brands of "mixed" detox teas are. Some are more reliable than others. Here are my top recommended detox teas, including mixtures of Yogi tea, traditional medicine and much more.

Other plants detoxify
There are a number of other supposedly detoxifying herbs, baked or can be cooked for their health benefits. My first choice are anise, barley, burdock root, dandelion root, fennel seed, holy basil (also known as "Tulsi Tea) and licorice root (not by those who are pregnant, used / nursing).

* I am not a doctor. Do not take this article as medical advice. A physician or herbalist before taking this medicine if you have these health problems, are pregnant / lactating or have side effects, the herbs that had in recent reactions. As directed by a reliable source. Whenever possible, prepare fresh herbs and high-quality teas.

Plants (herbs)


In the world of drinks, "Botanical" is another term for tea or herbal tea. It was by importing loose-leaf tea (as Rishi Tea) and their customers (in the range of individual chains of coffee and tea company) popularized.

Bo pronunciation as nu-reform

Also known as: tea, herbal tea, herbal tea, herbal tea

The 10 detox teas

3 Detox Tea Yogi Tea

Yogi Tea offers a variety of detox teas in different flavors and with different goals. These include detox tea in general, detox tea and skin detox tea flavor and berry detox tea with peach flavor.

Yogi detox is to fight the "The Daily impurities", helping the body to cleanse the liver and kidneys. Burdock and dandelion roots (which are traditionally used for liver support) are with juniper berries (to help a traditional herbs to renal function) and an Ayurvedic blend called "Trikatu" (be a blend of ginger, pepper mixed black pepper and used long in order to promote the blood circulation).

Berry Detox is a detox tea delicious. With organic hibiscus and super fruit Acai Berry and detoxifying herbs.

I think Yogi Tea Peach Detox is tastier line of teas Yogi Detox tea. It makes fo-ti (a Chinese herb) and dandelion root. It also includes ayurvedic mix of "Trikatu" to increase the circulation.

Yogi Skin Detox is intended to help "throw dirt." Without it even tried, I can not guarantee that, but since it made of rose petals, hibiscus and green tea, I suppose, at least tasteful. Burdock root, yellow dock and red clover are also added to increase the ability to detoxify the liver and blood purification. Read more »

viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2014

CTC tea


Tea machines, usually Assam, Sri Lanka / Ceylon and parts of Africa and South America. The treatment consists of three stages (crush tear curl or cut, tear, curl), hence the name "CTC'Â tea. The resulting product resembles small grains of black tea. A very strong flavor occurs, the infusion the tea quickly is often cooked or used in bags.

With dust tea, CTC one of the main types of tea that are used to make black tea without milk, tea and milk masala chai in India.

Alias: Crush Tear Curl Curl Subject tear

Drinking side effects of coffee

Drinking side effects of coffee: Ask

I drink coffee at least once a day, and I wonder if it's good for my health. What are the side effects of drinking coffee?


Good question! The first thing to note is that the coffee is usually safe when in normal amounts (less than five cups per day, and one or two cups in the ideal case) consumed.

Coffee contains caffeine and caffeine already has a number of side effects. If you drink too much coffee, you may experience symptoms of an overdose of caffeine. If the amount of coffee you drink is varied, you may experience the symptoms of caffeine withdrawal. For more information, see Caffeine and health.

Also, the coffee may cause various types of adverse effects. A side effect is often noticed that for many people, coffee makes you poop.

For those who have heart disease consumption of coffee may be less true. Some evidence suggests that drinking more than five cups of coffee per day is dangerous for people with heart disease. Moreover, the consumption of filtered coffee total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and triglycerides, and coffee drinking will not increase from time to time are probably caused heart attacks in some people have (although regular coffee consumption is not - that is the effect on the system of the coffee caused the question seems to be).

Apparently some people coffee enemas, which is dangerous. Do not even know what to except, however, say: "Why choose a ??? stop!"

Drink less than two cups of coffee per day appears safe for pregnant and lactating women. Drinking seems to be risky.

Children are susceptible to the effects of caffeine than adults to another. It is not recommended that children have a coffee with lots of caffeine.

Caffeine can also aggravate anxiety disorders, eating disorders, diabetes (by additional blood sugar fluctuations), diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, glaucoma, high blood pressure and osteoporosis (bleeding due to an increase in hunting calcium).

Nevertheless, said all that, coffee is when they normally consumed as very safe in moderation!

Fast Facts & nbsp; Caffeine

As the most powerful in the coffee or the chemical component of tea, we are all very aware of caffeine. Next time will be sitting in the café, enjoy a latte and perhaps talking about coffee usually learned quite seem to throw these facts caffeine.

  • The full chemical name is 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine for caffeine and its chemical formula is C 8 H 10 N 4 O 2
  • Caffeine from coffee in 1820 isolated
  • Caffeine in the pure state is a white crystalline powder
  • Caffeine is found in 60 different plants
  • 10g of caffeine is considered a lethal dose
  • This is the most popular drug in the world. Ninety percent of Americans consume some form every day
  • Over 450 million cups of coffee are in the United States consumes every day!
  • Dark roasted coffee has less caffeine than lightly roasted
  • Contrary to popular belief, caffeine (or coffee) will not help someone sober when she had drunk too much

    How caffeine works
    Caffeine causes changes in chemicals in the brain, mainly in 2 ways. Framed adenosine, and binds to all the adenosine receptor in the brain. This prevents the real adenosine from doing its job, which happens to be slowed nerve impulses and causes drowsiness. So your brain is awake. Caffeine also increases dopamine levels in the brain, which improves your sense of well-being and improves mood. This effect of dopamine is the root of the addictive properties of caffeine.

  • miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2014

    Green tea for beautiful hair

    Green tea is known to many serious health benefits, so that the lighter side of magic green tea is sometimes overlooked. You may know that green tea has been linked to cancer prevention, but you also know that it stimulates hair growth, softens hair and bacteria and parasitic fungi (which weaken the roots and destroy cause hair loss)? Well, now you know!

    Green Tea Hair Conditioner

    Some people like to make a green tea rinse for hair. It's easy. Just prepare up to two cups of tea three fifty-seven teaspoons of green tea (preferably organic!) Or three fifty-seven bags of green tea (preferably organic too!) Cut sheet is then poured on her hair just before the end of your bath or shower. It may be your hair or cleaning agents can be used after shampooing and / or conditioning - whatever works with the hair care routine.

    Green Tea Conditioner

    If you really want to enjoy the green tea in your hair and that's not the idea, the rinse hair, then there is no way you can take. It is a green tea plant.

    You may be thinking, "Can I green plant tea" Of course, but you can often artificial flavors, preservatives and other questionable chemicals and green tea extract is usually (as EGCG alone?.) Instead of the entire infusion green tea extracts and benefits is doubtful if it is green tea. If you make your own, you can be sure that the tea is organic, ingredients are of good quality and there are no bad SLS and other chemicals in the product. Plus, it's fun, easy and inexpensive to make!

    Ready to make your own green tea air conditioning? Here is how:

    Green Tea Conditioner Ingredients

    This light green tea contains only three ingredients fully.'s Right. Trois. And everyone does his own thing. Green tea its magic (see above). Glycerin keeps hair soft and moisturized. And the lemon juice a little extra cleaning of the scalp along the way. These are the proportions that you need:

    • 5 ounces of freshly brewed green tea (organic, let stand in a sealed glass overnight, if you have a strong investment liter extra-want)
    • 2 ounces glycerin (available at most drug stores and some grocery section particularly sweet-how, you can use a little more if your hair is dry or damaged, or something less, if it is soft and thin)
    • 1 ounce freshly squeezed lemon juice (preferably organic)

    With green tea and Conditioner

    1. Place all ingredients in a jar.
    2. Close the jar and shake well.
    3. It will be about a cup plant. Use a quarter cup every time you want to condition your hair.
    4. Work the air conditioner in your hair, leave it on for three to ten minutes and rinse well.
    5. Enjoy beautiful hair and thank your lucky stars for green tea!

    More information about Green Tea Conditioner

    With regard to natural beauty products go, this is pretty amazing. It's easy and cheap to make, and it works like a charm.

    As I mentioned, this recipe makes about a cup of plant, which is about four packets. It takes less than ten minutes and lasts about a week. I recommend aside ten minutes a week to create and use it during the week as needed a new batch.

    For best results, store in a glass jar with screw cap. Just be careful to keep it in a safe place in your bathroom. (I consider myself in a corner of the floor of the shower, which is not likely to rollover and can not fall and break. If you really worried about it, or if you have kids / people uncomfortable with your shower, storage in plastic instead of seeing .)

    Barista Basics Quiz

    Test your knowledge Barista!

    If you are not ready, the basics are Barista competition, learn more about coffee by reading some of the following elements.:

    Resources Coffee:
    Espresso drinks
    How to draw espresso shots
    Coffee Terminology command
    How to Make a Cappuccino
    How to make an espresso macchiato
    How does the milk froth
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    • Advanced Tea
    • Herbal Teas / Herbs
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    martes, 23 de septiembre de 2014

    Journal or & nbsp; Burr?

    Grinding your own coffee beans is a fairly easy to ensure freshness in your cup of coffee, that way. Shredders can be cheap, and some manufacturers of espresso coffee machines or even integrated.

    There are basically two types of grinders: blade or cutter.

    Blade grinders
    Most factories use cheap sheet metal cutting grains. The blade cuts the grains and control how long the fineness of the mill is running. Unfortunately, the resulting coffee be unequal in size, leading to inconsistent brew quality. Another disadvantage is that if you are grinding, and so leaves the grain in the mill for a longer period are fine, there may be a large amount of heat generated by the blades. This may be your final coffee tastes burnt to give. The wheels are good for basic use, but that's it.

    Burr Grinders
    Burr grinders crush the beans between a moving grinding wheel and a non-moving surface. The positioning of the knife is what the size of the earth so that grinding, more uniform. In the category of errors, there are two different types.

    Wheel Burr - The cheaper of the two mills. The wheel turns very quickly, and these mills can be noisy. The higher speed make this Messier and mills.

    Conical Burr - The best grinders you can get are conical mill wheel. The cutter rotates slower than the wheel model, so that it quieter and less chaotic. You can use a conical grinder for oily or flavored coffees and is not likely to plug, as well as other types of grinding machines. These are the best kind, but you will pay the price.

    Pumpkin Scones Recipe fees for fall

    Pumpkin Scones This recipe is an excellent program for fresh pumpkins in the fall, but can be made with canned pumpkin in any season. Try pumpkin muffins, like a little play or coffee served with Masala Chai ("chai").

    For an added treat, pumpkin scones with lemon, cream, Devonshire cream or cinnamon butter together.

    viernes, 19 de septiembre de 2014

    Tees & nbsp; India

    India not only to produce the tea in the world grows some of the best. Almost every part of the country has an area of tea cultivation. About 4% of the national income of India has its tea, there are over 14,000 tea plantations.

    The geography of India allows many different weather conditions, and the resulting tea can be radically different than the others be.

    There are three main types of tea produced in India:

    Assam tea comes from the northeastern part of the country. The forest area is home to much wildlife, including rhinos. Tea here is rich and full-bodied. He was in Assam that the first tea plantation was founded in 1837.

    The Darjeeling region is cold and wet, and situated in the foothills of the Himalayas. The tea is delicious and delicate flavor, and as one of the best teas in the world. Darjeeling plantations have 3 different harvests, and tea from each "flush" made has a unique flavor. First Flush teas are light and aromatic, while the second wave produces tea with a little more bite. The third, or autumn color is a tea that is lower in quality.

    This tea comes from an even larger part of India in Darjeeling. This region of southern India altitudes between 1.000 and 2.5000 meters. The flavors of tea Nilgiri are subtle and rather sweet. It is often mixed with other teas, stronger.

    In addition to the different types of tea from India, it is also a very unique style of tea is called chai There are many different recipes for chai, but the basic ingredients are: .. black tea, milk, sugar and spices. It is the combination of spices that are so wonderful chai. The most common are cardamom, ginger, cloves, cinnamon and even pepper. Even the big chain coffee and chai tea launch in North America serve. If you are, chai, try it tired of just tea.

    If you visit India, it would put an end to all the attractions that you can see. Of course, I'm sure that you take a tour of a tea plantation or two.

    Increasingly, tea & nbsp; Welcome

    I'm not talking about tea either talk, but real tea:

    Camellia sinensis., You do not need a big garden to grow your own tea, a pot on the balcony do just fine.

    The tea plant is resistant to zone 8 (The country is divided into "zones" with similar temperatures and weather conditions. Region 8 Mid-west to south-USA). If you do not live in these areas, do not worry. You can try growing Camellia sinensis

    in the greenhouse or in a pot that can take them in cold winters into it.

    The Camellia sinensis plant is a small shrub 1-2 meters high, but growing, if not to publish. In autumn, the flowers of Bush tea with small white flowers with a wonderful fragrance will. These plants are often grown as ornamental plants. For planting, Camellia sinensis likes well-drained soil and sand that is on the acidic side floor. If the growth of your Tea give in a pot with some moss on the ground. You will need a little patience to. Your installation must be about 3 years before the harvest of the leaf.

    You can to get seeds from your local or online nursary try able.

    Each tea is only half the battle. Once your tea plant grows well, you need to harvest and process tea leaves. Installation, do the black, green or oolong tea.

    Green tea

    • Drag the very young leaves and leaf buds.
    • Pat dry and leave in the shade for a few hours to dry leaves.
    • Koch leaves (as you vegetables) on the stove for a minute.
    • For a different taste, try frying in a pan 2 minutes instead of steam.
    • Spread the leaves on a baking sheet and dry in oven at 250F for 20 minutes.
    • Keep dry tea leaves in an airtight container
    Oolong tea
    • Drag the very young leaves and leaf buds.
    • Spread them on a towel in the sun and melt for about 45 minutes.
    • Bring your leaves inside and let stand at room temperature for a few hours.
    • Make sure the leaves stir every hour.
    • The edges of the leaves begin to turn red as they begin to dry.
    • Spread the leaves on a baking sheet and dry in oven at 250F for 20 minutes.
    • Keep dry tea leaves in an airtight container.
    Black Tea
    • Drag the very young leaves and leaf buds.
    • Roll the leaves in his hands, and puree until leaves begin to darken and red.
    • Spread them out on a tray and leave in a cool place for 2-3 days.
    • In the oven at 250F for about 20 minutes.
    • In an airtight container.
    Once you get the hang of it, try experimenting with different drying times for different tastes. Mix your teas with jasmine or hibiscus flowers for a beautiful summer tea right in your backyard.

    Top 8 Espresso & amp; nbsp; $ 100 \\

    A real bargain is to make this single espresso machine all casual baristas who only need the occasional espresso. This steam is supplied and any additional functions with the exception of what needs milk foam strip is supplied. Price: around $ 40 Read more »

    miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2014

    Do you know your coffee & nbsp; Roast

    Many people grind their grain to ensure a cup of freshly brewed coffee and delicious. But not many people burn their own. Whether you're a home roasting or not, know the different levels of browning and flavoring properties may be useful in buying coffee.

    This is exactly what the toast? Sugar, starch and fats are released in emulsified corn, caramelized and. This creates the delicate coffee oil. This oil is what coffee its aroma and taste.

    In general, lighter roasts are sharper and more acidic than darker roasts. The beans have a fuller taste. Beans have roasted to take a burning wood or coal smoke flavor. In addition, there is less caffeine in dark roast coffee at all. The roast does not determine the taste or quality of the resulting coffee. The origin of the grain makes a big difference. A grain of Ethiopia different flavor than a grain of India, although both roasted French.

    These are the basic conditions of the roast. Many are interchangeable, so pay attention.

    The grain is light brown and dry (no visible oil). The baked taste or "brioche", as the grain on the grill. It will probably be bitter exact tones. Not many places in roasted coffee cinnamon.

    New England
    A term that is not used as often as the others, if roast is apparently common in the eastern United States. It's a bit darker than the cinnamon roast, but without the grainy flavor. New England roast will still be some tones acid.

    Light of America
    Light medium brown beans. This roast is the norm for the eastern United States. This roast (and sometimes cinnamon as well) is most often used for cupping or professional tasting.

    Average city
    The color is darker still, more than a medium brown (think chocolate). This roast is common in parts of the western United States. This roast is a good choice to test differences between the varieties.

    Full City
    Medium dark brown bean. Beans. Some oily droplets on the surface of the frying Full City is caramel or chocolate tones.

    French, Espresso
    Beans begin to be dark brown and green beans are roasted with light oil. There is less acidity, but with burned tones. This roast is often used when you espresso. Many people think so. Darkest roast available, but this is not true

    Italian, French dark
    Similar regular French, but more. Darker and more fat burned looking, and with a stronger flavor.

    Darkest roast of all. The color is almost black, and the taste is flat with a hint of charcoal.

    Hopefully sugar with a different name as & nbsp; soft?

    One lump or two? Although more than one expert takes his coffee black and strong drink, with a little something sweet is a practice that is enjoyed by many. What exactly is the difference between white and brown

    Sugar, and what the hell is sugar "turbinado"?

    White sugar
    White sugar is the sweetener most commonly used in tea or coffee. You can get ground granulated sugar or powdered sugar, or more regularly fine as icing. The sugar is not typically used with simple beverage sweetener. Processed white sugar from sugar cane molasses withdrawn, and then filtered, crystallized and dried.

    Brown Sugar
    Brown sugar is my personal favorite. I love the heavier taste in my coffee. It is prepared by adding white sugar molasses regular back much wetter and prone to clumping as white sugar makes it made. I heard a piece of white bread in the container will keep your brown sugar sweet.

    Raw sugar
    Raw sugar is very similar to sugar, but the sugar is not white. Therefore, it has a natural content of intact molasses. It is lighter than brown sugar to taste, but the texture is thicker (like Kosher salt).

    Cane sugar
    Another name for raw sugar before mentioned. Other names used raw sugar and brown sugar Demerara. These are not really identical, but are in various stages of manufacture of sugar produced. The differences between them are small.

    Of course, honey is a type of sugar, but it is still a popular sweet note. Produced by bees, is a natural sweetener that requires virtually no processing before use. Liquid honey crystallize over time, but remain soft whipped honey (such as butter) indefinitely.

    I thought this less frequently add fresh selection wins acceptance. This is actually a herbal product is much sweeter than sugar. The name Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni botanist. Sweetener Stevia can be found in many health food stores, or even grow in your own garden. For more information about stevia.

    Some people opt for a form of sugar to another for various reasons of health or nutrition. Additional Features Additional sugar molasses or brown oil is rather insignificant, since the small amounts added to beverages.

    67 recipes for hot chocolate for all and ...

    There are many types of chocolate recipes in the world. Some medications (such as those with marshmallows and mint) make perfect holiday drinks for children, while others (such as alcohol) are the best for adult parties. Some classic hot chocolate recipes can be cooked on the campfire while many hot cocoa mixes are made in advance and given as a Christmas gift.

    This collection of hot chocolate recipes includes all types of income and hot chocolate frozen hot chocolate recipes Mexican recipes for hot chocolate, white chocolate recipes and more.

    Fundamentals of hot chocolate recipe

    If you have never made real hot chocolate (melted chocolate) instead of hot chocolate (with cocoa powder) and then the video of hot or hot chocolate before reading these tips for preparing for chocolate try the recipes shown below. Alternatively, you can choose recipes for hot chocolate.

    Traditional recipes of hot chocolate

    These recipes are not classic hot chocolate with melted chocolate, cocoa powder.

    Spicy Hot Chocolate Recipes / Mexican

    These recipes Mexican hot chocolate and spices contain ingredients such as cinnamon and cayenne pepper.

    More recipes hot chocolate

    Spicy Hot Chocolate is always a favorite in the winter, but the orange peel, ginger, almonds and peanut butter can make your unforgettable hot chocolate.

    White Hot Chocolate Recipes

    White Hot Chocolate is a delicious alternative to the traditional hot chocolate.

    Iced Chocolate Recipes / Frozen Hot

    Serendipity 3 in New York is popular hot chocolate ice cream dessert drink or snack. These recipes range from soft drinks to shake drink.

    / Recipes Hot Chocolate mixed alcoholic

    How eggnog, hot chocolate is sometimes better when enriched.

    Large quantity of hot chocolate recipe

    Looking at a group (or a lot) entertained during the holidays? Try one of these great recipes a lot of hot chocolate:

    From ,, healthy recipes gluten-free milk and hot chocolate and dessert recipes vegan hot chocolate, see the links below. For hot chocolate recipes, read on page two of this article.

    lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2014

    Top 6 spirits that go well with & nbsp; Coffee

    Since you already have a taste like coffee, the taste is not strong at all. But she adds a touch of sweetness and a little more flavor to your roasted coffee. It also adds a nice touch when other coffee drinks such as hot chocolate added. Read more »

    Tea brewing temperature & nbsp; Guide

    Although most teas produce a cup when all infused in boiling water, most of the best teas are much better to do at lower temperatures. The green and white teas, for example, are more delicate and if you made in a little cold water to get more flavor.

    These times are approximate temple, and you want to customize to your personal taste of the tea.

    Tea Black - Black is the most robust teas can be brewed 4-6 minutes really usually responsible in boiling water.

    Oolong - As expected, oolong tea falls between green and black. The ideal temperature is around 190F. But there must be more anchored Oolong Black tea, for about 5-8 minutes.

    Green tea - need to be nicer to your green tea. The water temperature should be impregnated only 2-4 minutes 150-160F.

    White Tea - Another delicate tea that should be handled with care. Water can be a bit hotter than green tea to 180F. You have more but let them go. At least 4-6 minutes.

    Rooibos Tea - The South African red tea is a very powerful thing and should be fully prepared with boiling water like black tea.

    Most herbal teas - With so many different herbs that can be used for herbal tea blends, there is no way any guidelines or tempering temperature to give accurate. Most plants can be cooked in boiling water and let stand for about 5 minutes. You may have some trial and error to get the perfect cut.

    If you do not have a thermometer handy, you can say that the temperature of the water watching the bubbles. Small bubbles floating on the surface of the water and see 160-170F chains bubbles from the bottom of the boiler 180-190F. After that you will cook.

    Top 6 Best / Espresso Combo Coffee & nbsp; Machinery

    Half of the coffee can be up to 8 cups of cooked, and the pump can be half espresso at a time, pull two shots. Other features: Permanent gold filter basket for ground coffee, two separate water tanks, control 24-hour timer, and is consistent Pod. This is a unique coffee. Read more »

    domingo, 14 de septiembre de 2014

    Aroma Definition


    For the purpose of on coffee / tea aroma is the smell of coffee, tea, hot chocolate and other foods and drinks

    Food or beverage is more concentrated flavor when they are fresh and hot. Eat Meanwhile volatile vapors pass or drink and emit (and often nuanced) more noticeable odor. Therefore, to enjoy tea or coffee cups, it is best to consider the scent of infusion shortly. Later, you can still feel some of the essential oils in the coffee or tea, but the taste may not be as pronounced or complex.

    Also known as: odor, scent

    Barista Basics Quiz

    Test your knowledge Barista!

    If you are not ready, the basics are Barista competition, learn more about coffee by reading some of the following elements.:

    Resources Coffee:
    Espresso drinks
    How to draw espresso shots
    Coffee Terminology command
    How to Make a Cappuccino
    How to make an espresso macchiato
    How does the milk froth
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    viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2014

    What is Tulsi?

    Also known as "Tulsi", "San Basilio", "The Incomparable" and "elixir of life", a powerful Tulsi herb in Ayurveda is used, and in some mixtures of herbal tea "" / Herbs and true.

    Types of Tulsi

    The Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum L. Ocimum or tenuiflorum L.) is a close relative of the culinary basil (Ocimum basilicum, but is notable for its medicinal properties and physical properties There are three main types of Tulsi plants .:

    • Rama Tulsi (also known as Green Leaf Tulsi) - Tulsi green with purple flowers and aromatic smell of cloves (eugenol by its chemical component, which is the main taste Spot) and mild flavor
    • Krishna Tulsi (Shyama Tulsi Tulsi leaf also as known or purple) - a plant purple with an aroma of cloves and mint flavor
    • Vana Tulsi (Tulsi leaves and wild) - A bright green plant that grows brighter and Tulsi is native to many parts of Asia and / North East Africa; have more flavor and aroma of lemon
    Health Benefits of Tulsi

    Of the three types of Tulsi, Krishna Tulsi is often followed as the largest amount of health benefits, closely followed by Rama Tulsi. Vana Tulsi less activity, but it is sometimes mixed with other types of tulsi is more palatable. In Ayurvedic practice, the sharing of Tulsi include treatments for:

    • Asthma, bronchitis, colds, constipation, cough, flu, sinusitis, sore throat, and similar complaints
    • High blood pressure and high cholesterol
    • Headache, earache and eye
    • Skin diseases and insect bites
    • Cramps, upset stomach, indigestion, intestinal parasites, diseases of the mouth, ulcers and vomiting
    • Diabetes and blood sugar imbalances
    • Joint pain and rheumatoid arthritis
    • Kidney Stones
    • Malaria
    • Cancer
    Scientific medical research confirms that Tulsi is:
    • A powerful adaptogenic herb (an herb that reduces stress and increases energy)
    • Able to reduce the frequency and severity of asthma attacks
    • Inflammatory
    • Rich in antioxidants
    • Immunomodulation (able to increase or decrease the activity of the immune system to optimal)
    • And generally to protect liver protection against certain chemical toxins and radiation, but not to chemotherapy (so it is safe to use during treatment with chemotherapy)
    Tulsi is also sometimes used to reduce fertility in men and women, is not for those who are trying to drink large quantities of Tulsi conceive are recommended.

    For more information, see the health benefits of Tulsi on Alternative Medicine.

    Tulsi "tea"

    An easy way to Tulsi to make a "tea" or herbal tea is consumed. Tulsi for "tea", make a cup of filtered water and fresh stir about a teaspoon of Tulsi leaves, half teaspoon of dried leaves of Tulsi or a third of a teaspoon of Tulsi powder. Cover with water in a pot or cup and let stand for 20 minutes (or more if you want to maximize the health benefits). Then strain the leaves, add honey if desired, and enjoy.

    "Tea" Tulsi is caffeine free and can safely be taken up to six times a day. Further advantages, increasing the ration Tulsi leaves with water and let sit for longer.

    Types of honey processing and amp; Income

    Definition: Honey is a natural sweetener that is made from bees, APIs usually by gender (commonly called "bees"). Bees make honey from the nectar of flowers and for their boys feed hives used. The bees regularly produce a surplus of honey, so that beekeepers harvest honey from the hives without harming the bees.

    As honey is used?

    For over 8000 years, honey is used as a sweetener. Before the introduction of sugar cane in the New World in 1400, Honey was one of the main sweeteners used in Europe. In ancient times, honey has been used for a variety of applications, including treatment of burns, embalming the dead in Egypt, the funeral rites in Georgia and elsewhere, and cooking in many places. (For more information on these topics can be found in the history of honey as food.)

    Today is honey used mainly for culinary purposes. It is a popular sweetener in baked goods, is advantageous because the chemistry of many baking recipes. It is a popular sweetener for drinks because it is liquid, and as such it is mixes easily in hot or cold beverages. It is also popular as an accompaniment to cheese and fruit and toast, and can be fermented into an alcoholic beverage called mead or honey wine.

    Honey is used today for various health reasons.

    Types of honey

    Honey is usually collected on the type of flowers the bees nectar to classified. The most common type of honey is clover honey, which has a mild, relatively neutral taste. Other types of honey are:

    • Light with a mild taste alfalfa honey, is that
    • Buckwheat honey is dark and full-bodied
    • Eucalyptus honey varies slightly, but is generally strong and light medicinal taste and aroma
    • Manuka honey, which is black and a medicinal taste (and is used primarily for health reasons)
    • Orange blossom honey, often a combination of citrus sources makes, usually light in color with a sweet citrus flavor
    • Sage honey, that the body is heavy, but light in color and taste
    • Tupelo Honey, which has a mild, but good drinks and frozen distinctive flavor pairs, because it resolved a high content of fructose and not, unless extremely cold is granulated in frozen drinks easily
    In addition to these types of honey "single flower" (a flower), no mixed groups, honey (polifloral, which are commonly known as "wildflower honey" and are made when (the different types of honey) bees collect nectar from various types of flowers) and honeydew (which are made when bees collect the sugary secretions of aphids and other insects that suck the sap from plants instead of harvesting the nectar of the plant). Some grocery stores also offer special taste honeys, which can be flavored with lavender, hazelnut or other flavors.

    For more information, check out this video of the types and uses of honey and a table with the flavor profiles of different types of honey.

    Raw honey, filtered honey and processed honey

    Honey can also be carried as processed, packaged, sold or distributed are classified in untreated. These are some common types of specialty honey:

    • Chunk honey is honey that is made one or more pieces of comb honey immersed in extracted liquid honey.
    • Comb honey is honey still in beeswax. The wax is almost tasteless, but edible.
    • Honey cream (also known as "shock honey", "honey rotate", "honey smoothie", "crystallized honey", "on the basis of honey" or "Honey" is known) is honey that has been processed to control crystallization. It is popular and toast in the UK (where it is often called "set of Honey") to spread.
    • Dry honey honey becomes liquid completely to solid, non sticky granular form dried. It is mainly used as a topping for desserts.
    • Crystallized honey, also known as "crystallized honey" or known "candied honey," honey is the semi-solid shot naturally or through treatment. Many types of granulation of honey in the course of time, but this slows down the process of pasteurization.
    • The filtered honey is honey that leaked until all or substantially all of the air bubbles, fine particles, pollen and other materials that are commonly found in suspension removed. Filtered honey is clear in appearance and does not crystallize as quickly as unfiltered honey that is sold the most commonly used method for honey in the supermarkets.
    • Pasteurized honey honey to 161 ° F flash (71.7 ° C) is heated or higher. Although this process kills bacteria and yeast cells in the honey potential, but also reduces the quality of the honey.
    • Real Raw honey is honey as it exists in the beehive or as it was when it harvested by extraction of the solution or the effort. There was no heat added in the production of goods raw honey. But some "minimally processed" Honey is also considered "pure honey." If taken regularly throughout the year, considered real, raw honey as a natural treatment and prevention of allergies to pollen.
    • Strained honey is honey that has seeped through a mesh to particles, as for example to remove pieces of wax or propolis, without removing beneficial, such as pollen, minerals or enzymes.
    • Honey is honey ultrasound was sonicated alternative treatment non-thermal pasteurization. Ultrasound destroys most of the yeast cells occurring naturally in honey, to substantially slow the crystallization rate and the fermentation of honey. (However, it is interesting that the crystallization of honey is not bad - it's just a visual defect -. And Honey is known for over 100 years to be "fresh")
    For more information, read this article about colors, shapes and textures of honey.

    Honey Coffee Recipes

    Honey is a popular sweetener for coffee. Perhaps the most famous drink honey sweet coffee is coffee with honey (Spanish for "coffee syrup"), but is also generally iced coffee sweetened with honey, because honey is simple, mix brown sugar in ice cream.

    This coffee recipes use honey to sweeten, and sometimes other aromatic notes:

    Honey tea recipes

    Honey and hot tea are often described as soothing to the throat. Maybe that's part of why honey sweet teas are so popular. And as for iced tea - honey is just easier to mix in a glass frosted sugar, what could ever be!

    More recipes honey

    Honey is an important ingredient in many recipes. For example, two ingredients (honey-mustard and honey-Dijon vinaigrette) are different because of their namesake taste like honey. Here are some recipes that contain much honey:

    Honey acts as a liquid cooking or baking in many of these recipes, but it can also shine with another liquid (coffee and tea, of course). Here are some of my favorite non-coffee, no tea drink recipes honey: You have probably by now that honey can be used as an important ingredient in many recipes, ready. Few people know is that it also act as a substitute for granulated sugar. In order to half of the granulated sugar substitute honey for sugar in sauces, marinades and salad dressings, honey substitute in a recipe. When cooking with honey, you can also honey for use up to half of the granulated sugar in a recipe, used for every 1 cup of honey, a liquid is reduced in the recipe by ¼ cup, add half teaspoon of baking soda and reduced the oven temperature to 25 degrees Celsius.

    One last fun recipe at home ... Honey Honey Soap.

    martes, 9 de septiembre de 2014

    Dry herbs that you should drink

    If you have a container garden, a children's playground, a garden or access to a wild field, then you probably have a few handmade herbal That would be amazing. Some of them are obvious (such as chamomile, lavender and mint). Other (such as dandelion, nettle and catnip) can be abundant where you are, and just need a little mental rethinking ("Ahh, that's a useful plant, not just a weed ...) to make the jump to make it for tea / infusions dry.

    Here are some herbs that are ideal for infusions and decoctions of plants, and is very likely to find in your garden or terrace

    • Anise
    • Chamomile flowers
    • Styes
    • The roots and seeds of burdock
    • Seeds of caraway
    • Catnip leaves
    • Chickweed
    • Coriander seeds
    • Dandelion leaves and root
    • Fennel seed
    • Lavender flowers
    • Lemon balm leaves
    • Verbena Leaves
    • Linden (leaves and flowers)
    • Lemon balm leaves
    • Mint (peppermint, spearmint, wild mint, lemon, etc.)
    • Nettle (small and young leaves are best, many projects have nettles like weeds)
    • Rose buds / rose petals
    • Rosemary leaves
    • Sage leaves
    • Tarragon leaves
    • Thyme leaves
    • Violet leaves and roots
    • Leaves of yarrow

    That's a lot of herbal tea can be dried friendship! However, you can drying plants that lose their flavor more like borage, lemon and parsley to skip. * Instead of the dry, try to freeze so that a flavored simple syrup or make them fresh in infusions when they are in season.

    * Many people say that mint falls into this category, too. Naturally dried mint is not as spicy as fresh mint. However, I have an infusion of dried mint lot, and all were very good.

    Now that you know what is good for dry skin, how to dry herbs for infusions. Have a good time!

    How to dry herbs for drinks

    If you grow access to a small plot or a container garden, herb, then you know how difficult it can be to use all the flowers, seeds and leafy vegetables in season when. But you're in luck! You have a great opportunity to make your own herbal tea drying (also known as herbal tea or infusions).

    Dried herbal tea is easier than you think. In fact, most of the process in less than 30 minutes of actual work for a large number of herbal tea! Ready to start? Here are some of the best herbs for drying herbal tea, and here are some easy ways to dry herbs:

    Not very easy to herbs to dry media? You can also buy dried herbs by. Onto a plate or paper towel in the refrigerator without packaging or blanket (Yes, really!)

    And do not forget to save your dried herbs good ... and have fun with it!

    domingo, 7 de septiembre de 2014

    B 51, B 53, B 54 & amp; B 52 Shot Recipes

    Classic B-50 injections (including shooting 51-B, B-52 shots, shooting 5-53 and B-54 shots) all contain equal parts of three spirits: Kahlua coffee liqueur, Baileys Irish Cream liqueur and third ingredient, which varies each Type B-50th

    Shaken and layer or equal parts of the following liqueurs for each variation of the B-50 Start:

    Milk Steamer Recipes

    6 Tips and Recipes Milk Steamer

    This page contains tips for eating Dairy steamer cooker, microwave, coffee maker or the nozzle, as well as suggestions of taste (including caramel, raspberry, hazelnut, creme de menthe, to almond, vanilla and blackberry), recipes and party ideas vapor steam . Read more »

    What & # 039; is the difference between the wet and dry ...

    Question: What is the difference between a wet and dry cappuccino?

    What is the difference between a wet and dry cappuccino?


    Ah, coffee lingo! There are many out there, but some great coffee under control can make all the difference in your trip to the coffee.

    Two important terms that you should know when it comes to espresso drinks "wet" and "dry" comes. A "wet" drink has the creamiest hot milk. A "dry" champagne drink more milk. The foam in drinks stays dry longer isolated, so stay hot longer. They are pale for the production of art caffe latte and other dry drinks.

    For cappuccino (or ceiling), this is the difference: A typical cappuccino milk has about the same steamed milk foam and espresso pieces. A wet steam cappuccino and milk foam. A dry cork less steamed milk foam and milk.

    viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2014

    Breville One-Touch Tea

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    For years there were people who wanted to make tea with the convenience of an automatic coffee maker. The following Zarafina coffee and tea Trinitea electric Adagio offers solid solutions for many people.

    But for tea drinkers centered design and kitchen helper, lover of the beautiful, reliable Breville One-Touch kettle is the winner of the automatic tea category.

    Designed tea for the eyes

    It is undeniable that the latest gadget Breville Tea is the most beautiful effect. Schott glass kettle made in Germany, heat resistant basket and stainless steel body and acrylic handle breathe effortlessly modern style and durability. The movements of the machine manufacturer are fluid and smooth, which makes the experience even tea as pleasing your static beer brew.

    My only complaint is that the clear plastic ball, the tea comes with the beer is a little cheesy, but it's not like I can not replace it with a better one.

    In general, coffee Breville One Touch Tea is a wonderful example of a kitchen utensil designed to look good in the kitchen.

    Designed for Tea Palace

    Not to terminate Breville Café at good condition. It is also very good in fulfilling its basic function - make great tea.

    Any expert will tell you that tea brewing great tea is an art and a science. Although not Gong Fu Master, Breville, you can easily combine their recommended settings (including white, green, oolong, black and herbal, and are pretty reasonable for the most part) with their own preferences. You can adjust temperatures between 160 degrees and 205 degrees Fahrenheit in increments of five degrees, or you can configure access to boil (212 °) ... or you can in degrees Celsius and go there. You can also use your preparation time (in 30 seconds) and the coffee strength (strong, medium or mild) to adjust.

    In short, if you are okay with increments of five degrees in 30 seconds, so this is more customizable than you need either automatic tea.

    Designed for convenience tea

    There were some things I've found, especially with the Breville One Touch Tea to be:

    • It can be configured to automatically so you do it before you put tea beer at any time, to bed and sleep for a fresh cup of tea.
    • You can keep the tea warm up to one hour after the preparation of the performance of "keep warm".
    • Bring water to a boil and also serves as a pot of hot coffee in the French press and other water uses.
    • It has to learn a simple and intuitive interface that is easy to without an instruction manual.
    • Three beeps will be emitted when brewing is to be done if you know that tea is ready.
    • It can brew 500 ml (two cups) to 41 ounces (about 1,200 ml or five cups of tea), which is suitable for high volume tea drinkers, couples, partners, small offices and small families.

    Less purchase Breville One Touch Tea Maker

    There are some disadvantages to the Breville One-Touch Tea.

    • For casual tea drinkers, the price may not be worth it.
    • People with arthritis may have difficulty opening the tea cart magnetic closure.
    • The short cable is not suitable for all cooking levels (especially most kitchens) and may require an extension cord.
    • Custom setting to five degrees and 30 seconds may not meet the standards of some hardcore tea drinker.
    • The perforated basket and the second filter notch filter most of the tea leaves, but all particles as rooibos plant can not catch.
    • For tea drinkers who indulge in the ritual of tea making any kind of automatic beer would be a bad choice.
    Despite these potential drawbacks, the Breville One Touch Tea is a fantastic product. I recommend it to anyone who loves kitchen gadgets or want one suitable for the home or office in the manufacturing process.

    Compare Prices

    A tester of this product was provided by the manufacturer available for inspection. After a check has been returned to the manufacturer.

    The Ultimate Guide to chocolate milkshakes

    As you read the words "chocolate milkshake", what do you think? Summers from your childhood? Favorite Indulgence? Pure decadence? All of the above?

    We all have our own associations and preferences when it comes to chocolate shakes. And therefore (as with chocolate cookies and cherry pie), there are hundreds of thousands of recipes out there for them.

    So I went to the dilemma to solve for you lovers milkshake. This guide to making a chocolate milkshake base includes all major changes there as well as information on how they affect the taste, safety (or lack thereof) and / or texture of the milk shake. You can choose from depending on what ingredients to choose you and your preferences. Simple. And surprisingly, mouthwateringly pleasure.

    Here's how two to four servings of milk shake chocolate base with more than 100 optional additional services from A to Z:. Making nectar After the ingredients, a variety of optional and additional ingredients (everything Agave Zagnut bar piece) and instructions to a chocolate milkshake ( reason or dress - whatever floats your boat).

    If you really know what you are doing, I recommend to you choose wisely and the optional ingredients two or three flavors "large" limit (ie caramel topping and toasted coconut espresso) and three or four flavors "small" maximum (ie frozen banana , a pinch of cardamom and vanilla extract).

    Ingredients for a basic chocolate milkshake

    • 2 cups of ice cream, frozen yogurt or ice cream without milk (preferably vanilla ice cream for a classic less ice cream flavor candy or chocolate for a sweeter flavor, chocolate with greater intensity, you can use a different taste like cookie dough or mint chocolate chip, of course if you want an exotic and sweet flavor fro-yo is healthy and non-dairy is the way for vegans and people who go sensitive to lactose)
    • Quarter 2 cups of milk or milk replacer (use whole milk in wealth and use Shake taste low-fat milk for light, use unflavored almond milk, hemp milk, coconut milk, cashew milk or the like for an option is not industry, shake less milk for a thicker or thinner)
    • 2 tablespoons chocolate syrup (the best quality the best chocolate syrup, homemade is ideal), 2 tablespoons cocoa powder or 2 ounces bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped

    Optional ingredients for a chocolate milkshake Stopped-Out (Choose two or three)

    Additional quality chocolate

    • a handful of corn, or extra-bitter chocolate, chopped
    • Hot chocolate mix (I think it's disgusting, but some people love it!)
    • Chocolate syrup or cocoa powder supplement
    • Carob powder sugar
    • White chocolate chips
    • Chocolate chips

    Ingredients for people with severe Sweet Tooth

    Ingredients for Super creamy smoothies

    • Condensed milk, eggnog or egg cream instead of milk (for a smooth and rich flavor)
    • replace up to 1.2 cup cream or coffee cream to / replacement of the milk (sounds crazy, tastes great)
    • Yogurt or Greek yogurt instead of milk (adds thickness and acid)
    • softened cream cheese or ricotta cheese instead of milk or ice cream (which gives you a taste of cheesecake with chocolate)
    • Instant pudding mix (chocolate or vanilla, adds richness and thickness)
    • to 3 tablespoons unsalted butter (adds richness and texture)


    • a frozen banana (or plantain)
    • up to 1 cup frozen strawberries, blueberries or cherries
    • A quarter cup of applesauce

    Nuts and seeds

    • Nutella, peanut butter, almond butter, coconut oil or similar (adds flavor and strength, is particularly good versions of a lactose-free shake, shake, because it has more power)
    • a handful of shelled unsalted peanuts, almonds, cashews, pistachios and other nuts (adds a nutty flavor and a thicker texture)
    • up to 3 tablespoons of hemp seeds, chia seeds or similar (adds texture, flavor and nutrients)


    • 4.3 to 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract, peppermint extract, or other flavor
    • Half a cup of malted milk powder
    • Cream some bicarbonate (for the taste and softness)
    • caramel / caramel or similar (for the sweetness and overall flavor, aroma as a "patch", which is obtained with a mixture of)
    • Popping a simple syrup flavored (taste like ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, mint or strawberry)
    • Espresso or a teaspoon of instant coffee powder (for a mocha flavor)
    • Cinnamon to taste
    • a pinch of cardamom powder, nutmeg, pumpkin pie spice powder or cloves

    Unexpected ingredients that are secretly awesome

    • a pinch of sea salt (for a rewarding overall taste, like salt on the New Orleans coffee used)
    • 1 ripe avocado, peeled and Diving (add more chocolate and a little sugar for extra flavor)
    • Oats, raw or cooked (for a thicker consistency and more fiber)
    • Pinch of cayenne pepper (adds a great kick!)

    The ingredients that are actually good for you

    • to 1.2 cup pumpkin puree
    • some green powder, matcha tea, spinach / fresh frozen food, frozen peas or origin "disguised as Greens (Green in something sweet without breaking the bank slip)
    • Fruit (see above)
    • Hemp seeds and chia seeds (see above)
    • Sound nuts
    • Oats (see "unexpected ingredients ..." above)

    Some people like things, but not recommended

    • a few ice cubes (As I said, I do not know recommend, but some people like to use ice to cool and thin to reduce their smoothies and fat. fair enough.)
    • up to a light syrup corn soup (This is a traditional ingredient in the time of the soda shop., that is, when people thought that margarine and DDT were healthy.)

    Irrigated Shake ingredients

    Chocolate milkshake amazing fit and mix-ins (Choose three or four)

    Sauces and syrups

    Chocolate topping

    Fruit Toppings

    • Cherries and other fruits (such as strawberries, raspberries or blackberries)
    • Maraschino cherries (the kind you find in an ice-cream)
    • Banana slices
    • Marmalade / jam
    • toasted coconut flakes (sweetened or unsweetened)

    Candy and cookie mix ins

    • Wafer cookies (a shake, so that the top of the shell)
    • crushed cookies (also works with a thematic S'mores - add marshmallows and chocolate syrup base for the full effect)
    • Cookie Dough (ball before mixing in shape)
    • Candies (like Butterfingers, Snickers, Kit Kats, Twix, Zagnut bars ... If you find Kit Kats taste limited edition Japan Matcha Kit Kat, I recommend trying them!)
    • 2-3 broken biscuits
    • broken chocolate candy
    • broken candy canes
    • Malted milk balls cut in half,
    • Candy Sprinkles
    • Bits of toffee

    Savory toppings and mix ins

    • chopped walnuts or no salt (such as walnuts, almonds, macadamia nuts or pistachios)
    • Mini pretzels (one per smoothie)

    Another Mix Ins & Trim

    The indications for a large chocolate milkshake

    1. Get your ice cream to the point where it is soft (not close), so that it mixed well and have a good texture.
    2. Connect your other ingredients, except all set, but a quarter cup of milk replacer / milk. (Remember, do not add too much, you can always mix can, but you can not remove, in mixed once they).
    3. Combine give the basic ingredients and optional ingredients in a blender. As you mix, the more or less milk or milk substitute gradually, until desired consistency.
    4. Put smoothies in tall glasses.
    5. Stirring mixture ins.
    6. Add ingredients.
    7. Serve with a straw and / or spoon.
    8. Have a good time!

    jueves, 4 de septiembre de 2014

    Earl Grey Organic Black Tea; Rishi Tea & # 039

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    Rishi Tea Organic Earl Grey is grown in the shade of a plot biodiversity of the ancient tea trees. As a former Green Emerald Lily Rishi Tea is USDA certified organic, fair trade and manufactures of the ethnic minority of Yunnan. It is also very tasty.

    Look like

    Rishi Organic Earl Grey is a reusable white box with two lids. Packaging is marked informative, attractive and clear.

    The tea leaves are large black and blue.

    Brewed tea is a deep copper color section.

    Tasting Notes

    Wonderful full flavor with spicy, woody, floral notes of citrus - aromatic
    Taste - very lemony, light and fluffy with a hint of mint
    Overall flavor profile - much sweeter and softer than most Earl Grey teas


    It is a great Earl Grey for those who prefer to add their beers. It has a soft surface of Yunnan tea, low astringency and taste (but not overwhelming) of citrus. It is ideal for pairing with food brunch and afternoon tea food.

    Compare Prices

    Disclosure: Review samples were provided by the manufacturer. For more information, please see our Ethics Policy.

    What does & # 039; drank tea & # 039; Media?

    Question: What is "drinking tea" mean?

    I have heard people speak about "drinking tea." I know they do not mean "drunk drunk like alcohol, but I'm not sure if I understand what it means to be" drinking tea. "It's like a caffeine buzz, or what?


    Besides tea alcoholic drinks (including cocktails or tea brewed tea liquor), tea is not alcohol. However, it is sometimes induce a state similar to an alcohol buzz.

    Tea drunkenness is a somewhat controversial topic. Some people compare it to a high caffeine buzz, and say, the side effects include tremors, nausea, dizziness and other unpleasant sensations associated with excessive caffeine consumption. However, most serious tea fans are describing their experiences with being "tea drinking" quite differently.

    For me drunk tea feels euphoric. There is a strong sense of focus and calm acceptance of the world around me / feeling of satisfaction and a sense of light / direction of the floating head. I heard the other as cheesy, inflatable or unpleasant feeling, a sense of emotional happiness, a contemplative or philosophical mood, a state of sensitive or introspective mood symptoms listed. The overall effect is often described as a "zen" very comfortable.

    Tea is believed that the combination of caffeine and other molecules lead in tea, in particular L-theanine is drunk. Caffeine, L-Theanine induces a very quiet (and often much sleep) state, and reduces a test phase for use as a medicament, anxiety. However, when combined with caffeine, it is assumed that L-theanine, the production of alpha waves in the brain increase, leading to fatigue to a state of meditation without.

    Note the physical, mental and emotional tea is only one of many aspects of tea tasting and appreciation. To reach a state of drunkenness tea, start by eating foods stomach to absorb the caffeine in tea and slow down the absorption of natural chemical compounds. In tea Then prepare tea (preferably high quality Oolong tea Japanese shadow Pu-erh or more *), taste, and notice how you feel.

    * Some say you can drink tea drinking quality tea not get to. (In my experience this is the case.) Some people find they get easier teas grown Japanese green tea drank shadow (as Gyokuro Matcha tea and green tea), have old tea and oolong teas -erh high quality (Oolong Tieguanyin in particular) .

    lunes, 1 de septiembre de 2014

    Flaming Spanish Coffee Recipe

    The use of sugar and lemon juice (or brandy), the edge of a glass of wine, a cup of coffee or other Irish piece of solid glass rod.

    To the edge of the glass, you are two shallow bowls or small plates with each more than the edge of the lens diameter must. Pour lemon juice in a bowl (or plate) and sugar in / on the other. Diving rim of the glass with lemon juice, then while it is still wet, dip it in sugar. The sugar is to keep up with the edge of the glass.

    Recipe for frozen hot chocolate

    This recipe for frozen hot chocolate has cooled all the taste of hot chocolate, but with ice or frozen hot chocolate. There are two versions of this recipe. "Chocolate Ice Cream" a little more time to solve, but it is much more rewarding to drink!

    sábado, 30 de agosto de 2014

    Caffeine Addiction

    "The caffeine dependence" is a term that occurs frequently in these days. However, it is very controversial and there are good arguments for this is a real disorder and is a joke of a problem. Look at both sides of the issue, and then find a way to eliminate caffeine from your diet if you have to leave symptoms of excess caffeine or desire for other reasons.

    Caffeine addiction is a fraud and a joke

    I mean, seriously ... it's not like heroin or something! Caffeine is not so hard to break drug actually report, and is not as deserted caffeine is putting your life in danger (such as the reduction of certain drugs). In addition, caffeine has no effect on withdrawal symptoms of addiction in about half of the people who use them regularly and symptoms are usually quickly resolve on their own right, so maybe it's just a psychological desire more than an actual addiction. It is only mentioned in the DSM-5 Caffeine withdrawal and caffeine poisoning "problems", it is because they try to diagnose over the world.

    Caffeine addiction is serious and real,

    Caffeine withdrawal causes great problems for many people. While they are not always serious, can be severe, and these questions are as valid as the associated with other addictive substances. And regular caffeine consumption increases mental performance, just because it counteracts the negative effects of caffeine addiction (eg caffeine addiction). It's just one of the many effects of caffeine on the brain indicating that caffeine is addictive. Also, if you have ever tried to leave after consuming caffeine regularly for a while, you know that addiction to caffeine (and delete) is real!

    Caffeine is one of the things that we consume (or not)

    Addiction or not? No matter what is on the label. The fact of the matter is that when you stop consuming caffeine, which are likely to have side effects is. And there are many reasons that you eat (or do not eat!) Caffeine. If and when you stop consuming caffeine, you can about what these side effects (lame), call or do something about it (useful) to care. Here are some resources for the last option:

    10 delicious flavors milkshake

    Three chocolate milkshakes chocolate

    Also known as "Double Chocolate" or "Chocolate Overload" This shake is only chocolholics true.

    The basic idea is that a chocolate shake with chocolate added. This can be like ice cream with chocolate syrup, chocolate or something much chocolate as easy to be mixed. In Bassett, make your smoothies overload dark chocolate ice cream with chocolate chip brownie batter mixed and garnished with chocolate shavings and whipped cream with chocolate. Whoa ... extreme.

    Variations: For dietary supplements, try chocolates, chocolate cake pieces, chocolate cookies, chocolate cake or chocolate syrup / sauce. Some people like to duplicate binge in a chocolate milkshake, too. If you would like to try, Kahlua, chocolate liqueur, vodka, brandy, whiskey or vodka.

    Recipe Hacks: Do not eat chocolate ice cream? You care more about your sugar intake? Chill. For something really chocolate, but less intensely sweet, tart with vanilla and chocolate shake build on it with cocoa powder for its main chocolate flavor. If you fill a sweetness, a double chocolate milkshake, use chocolate sauce or chocolate syrup to flavor base, then add mix-ins chocolatiness for the second level.

    makes gourmet level: Start with a base of high-end ice cream with vanilla. Add pure raw cocoa powder, chocolate sauce or gourmet dark chocolate pieces finely chopped. Chocolate mix-ins, try homemade fudge, coffee beans with chocolate ganache or covered. For other mix-ins, try a good brandy jam ,, gourmet organic dried orange peel or fresh chopped cherries. Top with whipped cream at home (or chocolate mousse) and a pinch of freshly ground cinnamon or nutmeg.

    Foam bubbles and amp; Steamed milk

    How to foam milk on a stove

    (Under pressure through a tube liquid heat quickly a plant that fires superheated steam, while small air bubbles in the liquid) typically in a cafe, milk foam with the steam nozzle of an espresso machine. It is to have a useful tool. However, you may not need a coffee maker with an attachment of the steam nozzle for milk foam. All you need is a pot, a stove, a whip, and of course milk.

    This recipe describes how milk foam in a gas burner or electric in 15 minutes.

    Milk foam is often used in drinks such as short Caffe Espresso, cappuccino and flat white. Read more »

    jueves, 28 de agosto de 2014

    The 10 most popular flavors of tea

    I am a purist. I love the great taste of tea without something. But even a purist as I just love some flavored teas.

    Here are some of the most popular teas expensive it tastes like jasmine tea, Earl Grey tea and more. Each is linked also to a price comparison, so you shop online. I hope you enjoy these teas as much as many other people do. Have a good time!

    Benefits of tea

    has been recognized as healthy. Since the beginning of tea drinking, he was drunk as a medicine. I do not want drugs such as: "I'm on medication for my allergies These pills are expensive, even with insurance." I refer to the way medicine as Indians speak of medicine - something that we in harmony with nature.

    Also have "tea" or herbal teas a long history of use as medicine, agents and physical healing, mental / spiritual / soothing.

    Below you will find a wealth of resources for the use of tea and found

    Infusions / decoctions for health and healing at home. We wish you better health in every sip!

    Health benefits of white tea, green, oolong, red, black and Pu-erh

    Also known as "true teas," these are the teas that are made from the plant Camellia sinensis. Though most teas that offer similar services, there are differences between the different classes and in different categories. For medicinal purposes, I recommend choosing organic tea, if possible.

    Benefits of Herbal Tea / Herbs

    martes, 26 de agosto de 2014

    Espresso Recipes

    Espresso is a delicious drink in its own right, but is also used to make a variety of espresso drinks such as latte, espresso martinis, American and more. Learn how some are the most popular espresso (and some darker espresso, too) with this comprehensive collection of recipes make espresso.

    Matcha salt (plus more ways to sneak into the tea ...

    Tea is healthy. I know. You know. I know you know. But if you still do not drink enough tea for its many benefits, there are other ways to get the tea into your diet. How to sneak into your food.

    The tea can be used as flavoring or spice in many dishes. I can have a significant impact and a basic taste (such as green tea, coconut balls) or a subtle spiciness (as in this chai banana smoothies). These are some of my favorite ways to sneak more tea in your diet:

    Do you have a favorite way to sneak tea into your diet? Share with other readers in the comments!

    Photo (c) Lindsey Goodwin

    For Keurig Office

    Become because of their ease of use and single-serving nature Keurig popular in homes, offices idle, waiting areas for customers and other places where people want fast, convenient coffee, tea and cocoa fit your personal tastes and preferences and caffeine. The Keurig B155 is designed for homes and small offices.

    Basic properties of the Keurig B155

    The Keurig B155 is a single serving at home or in the coffee machine component with an interactive touch screen and easy to remove / clean. It has a fairly neutral colors and clean, modern aesthetic.

    More Keurig B155

    There are many benefits to choosing a home or office Keurig B155. These include:

    • One of them, full of easy to use color, interactive screen.
    • Multiple language settings (German, English, French and Spanish).
    • The ability to prepare four different sizes of drinks.
    • A rapid infusion time of about 30 seconds to one minute.
    • The ability to quickly heat a relatively large pool of water (about four minutes to fully heat a tank with cold tap water filled) number.
    • A series of quiet preparation.
    • A comprehensive guide and product documentation, including guides for flavor, dark roast, medium roast, light roast, flavored coffee, decaffeinated coffee, organic coffee / fair-trade chocolate and full fat tea.
    • A selection of drinks and compatible brands, including Green Mountain Coffee, Dietrich, Gloria Jean coffee and tea, Timothy Van Houten, Tully, popular, clean coffee (organic), Caribou Coffee, Gourmet Coffee Emeril Bellaccino, Bigelow and Celestial Seasonings Twinings Newman.
    • During the test, there was no perceptible flavor residue when switching between flavors of coffee and tea.

    At least in Keurig B155

    Despite all the good points, there are several possible disadvantages for the selection of a system brew Keurig B155.

    • Keurig Keurig requires the use of the products, or "K-cups". Although the number of available K-Cup is wide, it can not be on all of your favorite coffee and tea.
    • If you add a new K-cup Keurig and leave on for one minute before brewing, the brewery "forgets" that put the K-cup you new and prompts you to add a new one. However, this deficiency can be corrected by opening and closing the latch K-Cup again.
    • Those interested in greening your coffee consumption, the use of a single packet for every cup of coffee used to be offensive.
    • Parties and occasional sharp drops hot liquids can make it for use around children unsupervised inappropriate.
    • Some users complain that the device is too large or bulky.
    • Although there are several language settings, no way to make using measuring systems.

    General Recommendation

    I recommend small offices Keurig B155. Quickly, allowing the peaceful development of a wide range of beer and coffee has a water tank large enough to the "It's your turn to fill" to prevent an argument to become a big problem.

    I would also recommend that you wait the office with the client or patient areas such as medical practices. This is a great way for your guests, the drink of your choice to enjoy during the waiting period and is quite intuitive that most first time users can understand very quickly.

    Manufacturer's Site

    This product was supplied by the manufacturer for testing and then to the manufacturer.

    domingo, 24 de agosto de 2014

    Should I use the coffee in the freezer?

    Question: Should I be the coffee in the freezer?

    My roommate insists that storing our coffee in the freezer is fine, but I've heard it's bad for the taste.


    It is generally regarded as safe, but not for the storage of coffee when stored in the freezer in a vacuum-tight package. However, the coffee is stored in a vacuum-tight before higher packing package that is not as good as freshly roasted coffee after it is frozen nothing at its maximum freshness before freezing, and certainly.

    It is generally not advisable to store open packets of coffee in the freezer. Instead, I suggest buying or coffee, if you store your coffee in a dark pantry, away from moisture and odors ,, turn need the heat.

    However, there is some controversy about the claim that coffee should not be stored in a freezer, as in other (paraphrased) question reader described below:

    Question: Many websites say that coffee is not good for storing coffee in the freezer. I agree with many of the common demands:

    1. "The freezer is a wet location." The air in the freezer is dry. The vapor pressure of water and ice is much lower than the temperature at -20 ° C hot. You can open the can of cold coffee sitting in the kitchen condensation in the coffee can provide produced, but can be avoided.
    2. "Freezers have odors." Freezers, due to the low temperatures and low vapor pressures and malodorous substances usually do not feel well (unlike refrigerators). However, the freezer is a closed and coffee should be stored in a closed container space.
    3. "Freeze-thaw damage essential oils volatile coffee flavor." Store at -20 ° C must therefore keep the essential oils in the coffee, instead of evaporating it, and the temperature drops speed must oxidation reactions that destroy the flavor molecules remove essential.
    Can you further information on these charges?

    Answer: You have some great points! To the best of my knowledge this is why many coffees make these claims about storing coffee in the freezer:

    1. Freezers are not always wet, but they can get wet.

      Although even freeze moisture does not hold, most refrigerators and freezers are transfers of air between the freezer and refrigerator. Although the air is usually at the correct temperature to (particularly for longer periods of time when they come to the bag of summer berries in the way, way back) to prevent, the formation of steam, opening and closing the refrigerator door vapor and temperature fluctuations and exchange of air between the fridge and freezer (minor).

      For more information on this, stressed guide to home Mariette Mifflin particular reference to issues related to air freezes the location of Whirlpool available. Mariette said: "The level of air temperature and humidity in the freezer will be different, depending on the type of freezer, design and efficiency."

      Are in wet and freezing equipment not sealed coffee beans absorb moisture easily, because they are hydrophilic (water-loving). If they do, they may also smells because suck ...

    2. Freezers are retaining odors.

      The characteristic smell of "freezer burn" is an excellent example of a freezer smell adding frozen foods. As a site Whirlpool says, "the food in the refrigerator and freezer can lose its flavor and even the taste of other foods that are stored, such as fish and onions. Perhaps you need both parts of the food clean Ensure eliminate odors. packaging or food odors in Store sealed odor control recurring container. "

      Mariette was added. "When it comes to storing food in the freezer (chest or upright), even if sealed food smells good, I've always noticed and sometimes with a certain frozen foods, for example, if associated I make my annual meat pies, which are well sealed in Ziploc bags, but when I open the door, I can smell the spices immediately ... until the meatballs are all parties. "

    3. Freezing and thawing can damage the essential oils of coffee.

      I have no scientific proof, but I know that freezing and thawing of foods several times almost never a good idea because it the taste and aroma of influence (and texture, but has little to do with the discussion).

      Further, the heating and cooling of food moisture are generally repeated in the food and makes it possible to condense or evaporate, depending on the temperature. In Pu-erh tea, the difference between hot and cold is desirable because it causes a natural fermentation, which adds depth to the flavor of the tea. This is not the same as the temperature range, in general do not include freezing, but it is an example of how the changes in the temperature can change the taste and flavor of a food or beverage.

      I can imagine (though I have no proof!) That freezing and thawing of coffee to significant changes in the development of oil and water in the coffee, and perhaps encourage the oils of the seed surface move during freezing, then, coffee disperse when thawed.

      But my main concern in the freezing and thawing of coffee beans, which can be very porous and temperature change moisture inside the bag in the grains are spread by unwanted odors.

    Mariette also said: "When it comes to the freezing moisture, suppose that, depending on the features and design of freezing, air flow or lack of manual or automatic defrost, vary effectively sealing / insulation, etc. Some expensive refrigerators have a better moisture control and some independent air flow - so there is no transfer, I would say that it depends on your fridge with freezer Special "..

    What is the Greek coffee?

    Question: What Greek coffee?

    A friend of mine recently in Greece and praised the "Greek coffee", who served in all the bars. He said it was something of a local specialty, and has never tried something like this at home. What exactly is the Greek coffee, and how can I do?


    Greek coffee is basically the same as the Turkish coffee. As a "coffee Armenia," Armenian "Cypriot coffee" in Cyprus, "Internal coffee" Serbia and "Bosnian coffee" in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the term "Greek coffee" the way to Greece in something that is a part of very important to their culture, even if Turkey (the other regions of the Balkans, the Caucasus, the Middle East and North Africa, claimed to be the origin of the drink) had often threatened the political relations with these countries. (For example, Turkey invaded Cyprus in 1974, the relations between Greece and the expense of Turkey, and lead change of name "Turkish coffee" to "Greek coffee".)

    As Turkish coffee, Greek coffee is fine ground coffee (sometimes referred to as version "Turkish"), also known in a narrow Briki height or ibrik cezve is cooked made. Coffee is ground with Greek Cup (often served half a cup), and the reasons are allowed to drink the coffee you adjust slowly. Sweet drink Greek coffee makes it ideal for social gatherings, so it is not uncommon for people to talk a Greek coffee at a local café (a Greek coffee for men and women) or kafeneio (Greek coffee for men) and Greek coffee is often visitors and guests served. Greek houses One study showed that the period of Greek coffee type took more than 90 minutes - enough time to chat, catch up, gossip ... and let settle the time these countries.

    There are four main styles of Greek coffee:

    • Unsweetened or sketos (pronounced skeh-tohss)
    • A little sweet and metrics (pronounced Ree-MEHT-SHO)
    • Sweet or Glykos (pronounced ghlee-KOHSS)
    • Glykos very soft, or vary (pronounced VAH-REE-ghlee KOHSS)
    Another variation on the sweet Greek coffee or coffee vrastos Glykys (pronounced KEE-ghlee-vruh-stohss), but the drink is boiled more than once cooked, and it lacks the foam, which is one of the three Greek coffee main parts:
    • Country / Lees, which settle on the bottom of the cup
    • The bulk liquid coffee that is strong and
    • The foam (or Kaimaki, pronounced MAH-kee-KAEE), which should be rich
    Greek coffee is usually served with a glass of cold water (such as coffee served is Czech pubs) and sometimes served with sweet (such as cookies). Served traditionally black, although some young people prefer to ask a Greek coffee, "double" and add milk to taste.

    You can learn to make your own Greek Coffee with this great photo-tutorial, how to make Greek coffee

    Nancy Gaifyllia, former Guide to Greek cuisine.

    If you are interested in a different kind of coffee, which are very popular in Greece, Strike, you read these recipes for espresso video kicks strikes and cherry.