domingo, 5 de octubre de 2014

Infusion or tea?

Often there is a big fuss about teas and herbal teas. In the world of tea, these terms mean one thing. In the field of herbal medicine, these terms often means something entirely different. Learn the difference between the two in each reference system and collecting examples of each, thanks to this guide and infusions.

Infusions vs teas tea world

In the world of tea is the term "infusion" and "infusion" are used interchangeably. But sometimes there is a lot of attention to the fact that herbs are not the same Camellia sinensis (tea) and "herbal teas" are not "true teas". Therefore, some people in the world of tea prefer the term "infusion" of "tea" or the term "tea" or "white" instead.

Infusions vs teas in the world of grass

In the world of tea, apart from some taboos surrounding the use of the world "tea" for other things Camellia sinensis, in terms of tea and herbal teas are more or less the same. In herbal medicine and herbal medicine, this is not the case at all!

For herbs, the term "tea" refers specifically to something that was given for a short time in hot or boiling water. This period is usually a few minutes to about 20 minutes. The mixing tank is often covered to evaporate when soaking in the essential oils of the herbs with water vapor (if, for example, a teabag have put a saucer in a cup of peppermint -dessus hold). Herbal teas are usually made of systems with a large number of essential oils and a strong flavor, such as chamomile, peppermint and cinnamon. It usually takes about a teaspoon or a tablespoon of fresh or dried herbs, chopped, about a cup of herbal tea.

The term "infusion" is something quite different, in herbalism. It refers to a plant that was covered with boiling water and left standing for a much longer period of time, usually four to ten hours. Infusions with fresh herbs (those with little volatile oil), such as nettles, oat straw and clover. These herbs are infused in large amounts, which could be used for teas, and use a quarter ounce of dried herb tea cup is fairly widespread.

Make herbal tea is good for extracting essential oils from plant material. The production of herbal tea extract is good for vitamins, minerals, proteins and other food sources of herbs.

Examples of teas and herbal teas

A bag full of rooibos tea for five minutes in boiling water: In the world of grass, is an herbal tea. In the world of tea is an infusion / tea / herbal herbal "tea".

An ounce of lemon has poured overnight in one liter of boiled water and across the grass to herbs soaked, is an infusion of herbs. For a tea person who could be considered as herbal tea into consideration, based on a 'tea' herb or herbal tea.

Diet vs herbal teas

Herbal teas are usually high, be in essential oils that can be beneficial in terms of taste and / or in relation to the health benefits. Infusions (by the definition of herbalists) tend rich in vitamins, minerals, and (in some cases) protein to be.

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