All teas come from the Camellia sinensis plant, but the treatment makes a big difference. Black teas are harvested, dried and fermented, and to give them their distinctive flavor. These are the best that you can find black teas.
1 Keemun
Keemun is considered by many to be the best of all black teas from China. It is soft and very aromatic, and can be found in many blends of tea quality. Keemun is great on its own or with a little milk and sugar.
Two. Darjeeling
For the province of Darjeeling in India black tea is named worth trying another well. The region also produces an excellent Darjeeling green and oolong. Black teas have a delicate flavor, but still full bodied.
Three. Lapsang Souchong
Another Chinese black tea, this tea has a strong smoky flavor that many find delicious. Not for everyone, so I'll try and choose some for yourself.
April. Assam
A full-bodied, but found without the hint of spice in the Keemun tea. It is grown in the northern regions of India. The flavor is strong and rich, and very good with breakfast.
Yunnan in May.
This is the Chinese black tea of choice for people who love the flavor with a little bite. Yunnan black tea are rich, with a slightly spicy flavor.
6 Nilgiri
Nilgiri is a light and fine black tea from India. This tea is very good for the novice brewer, as there is a little more forgiving if not load quite right. 
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